Thursday, August 21, 2008

Creating a blog

Well... here it is... A blog is created. I never thought I would actually do such a thing, but I've been asked to do so on a number of occasions. And so it begins...

I actually helped quite a number of folks (including my wife) create their own blogs. But, I just simply didn't want to create my own for a number of reasons. Foremost, I think, those with a blog tend to have spurts of activity and then nothing for months and months, if ever again after the initial honeymoon. Other than that... I've had confusion since the first I ever heard of the phenomena that is now known as "blogging"? What is the purpose of the blog? is it a personal journal or record of something? is it a medium where a person can anonymously spew their own opinions and ramble on and on with some questionable sense of self-importance? or is it just some space, like a sheet of paper, where anything goes...

I don't really know... I will plan to try and keep my ramblings short...

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